Images of Hope


A Celebration of How Horses Help Heal

Through storytelling photography, Images of Hope Tour documents the powerful bond between humans and horses as a force for healing.

woman riding  sorrel horse ohio equine photographer
bay horse with man ohio equine photographer
sorrel horse woman ohio equine photographer

Stories are how we connect with the world around us.

They invite us to believe in something bigger than ourselves. Even more, stories told through images have the unique ability to touch our hearts and inspire hope.

Through Images of Hope Tour, every story we share will have one common thread: each individual has a special bond with their horse that has carried them through their darkest moments. Their horse has been a conduit, bringing God’s hope and healing to their hearts and lives.

That’s why we invite the critically ill and medically challenged, first responders and veterans to share their story of hope and healing with horses through images.

Every approved participant receives a free equine session with Ray Duval Photography, including a customized album that tells their unique story.

The resulting images and story will also be shared in an online gallery to inspire and give hope to others who may be in need of their own healing miracle.

You are a miracle horse sent especially for me.

You give me clarity; you allow me to see.

You have been sent to me on loan from heaven for all to see.

You have been sent by God to help heal me.

~ Ray Duval

You are a miracle horse sent especially for me.

You give me clarity; you allow me to see.

You have been sent to me on loan from heaven for all to see.

You have been sent by God to help heal me.

~ Ray Duval

Ray Duval with bay horse Troy Ohio equine photographer

The Story of Images of Hope Tour

Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Ray Duval, professional photographer, storyteller, and founder of Images of Hope Tour.

It’s been my great honor to use photography to document miracles God has performed through horses.

I’m so thankful to have images from the day my daughter went to the barn in a wheelchair and ended up walking her horse back to his stall. They remind us where she’s come from, give us hope for what’s ahead, and fill us with gratitude for the bond she shared with him.

And, I know there are many more stories like hers. Stories that show us what the unconditional love of a horse can do for the human heart and soul.

That’s why I founded Images of Hope Tour—to bring to life the stories of how God is using horses to bring healing. And through those stories, to encourage and inspire you, wherever you are in your journey.

Ray Duval

Get Involved with Images of Hope Tour

Our plan is to be established as a 501(c)3, allowing individuals and sponsors to help underwrite the travel and print costs associated with Images of Hope Tour.

For now, I invite you to join our email list so you are the first to know about our progress.

Also, if you have a story of healing to share or know someone who does, please get in touch.

Stay in the Know

Your email is safe, promise. It’ll only ever be used to send a monthly story of hope and keep you informed on Images of Hope Tour happenings.

Share & Support

Do you want to share your story of healing through images?

Does someone you know have a story to share?

Or, would you like to help underwrite the costs?

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